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(pre-requisite EarthSky/Living in the Heart taken after Jan 2008)

Sedona Creative Life Center,
Sedona, Arizona, United States.
October 17 - 21, 2011 (5 days)

The prerequisite for being in this Advanced Workshop is that you have read the first three books, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volumes I & II, and Living in the Heart.  The Serpent of Light is optional.  AND you have personally taken the Earth/Sky/Heart (Living in the Heart) Workshop since January 2008 from Drunvalo.  Or if you have taken it earlier, you can go to a refresher class that is held usually directly before the Advanced Workshop.

The reason is because there is a great deal of information that was not given or talked about prior to January 2008, and this information must be understood and practiced before entering the class.  Drunvalo will assume that you know this newer work, and will not review or teach it in this class.  And if you are not familiar with this new work, you will not be able to perform in class.

The Advanced Workshop itself is totally new and unique.  It was born originally from the discussions with some students who realized that once they returned home, they could not maintain the work, and lost their ability to continue in the meditation.  Or they became “stuck” at a certain level and could not go on.  We focused on this part of their problem in the beginning.

But once this workshop was started, it progressed beyond this initial need very quickly.  New information was received that changed everything, which is called the Single Eye of the Heart.  It links the 3rd Eye with the Sacred Space of the Heart in a unique manner, and allows the student to see in a new way.  Literally, they have a sixth sense, that lets the heart see through the 3rd Eye, and gives the student the ability to see and communicate with higher worlds and life forms.

At this point, and it may change as it develops, these higher life forms are giving direction to the workshop itself and the people who are involved.

What is happening, we believe, is the student is able to see in a new way that actually takes his or her human consciousness to a higher lever where higher life forms are able to connect and communicate.  This Single Eye of the Heart is a doorway to higher consciousness and to ascension itself.

The beings that we are now working with are called the Plasma Beings from Mexico.  They are about 1.5 million years ahead of us in evolution and live deep inside the Earth. They care about us, and are simply attempting to help us evolve at a faster rate and bring us into a new state of consciousness.  They are beautiful and loving beings, and we feel certain that you will relax once you meet them.  And once you meet them, you will always be able to return on your own and continue to have a relationship with them.

The photo to the right is one of their Plasma Ships that came out of the Earth from a very deep level.  It is not a solid ship, but made only of light.

But there are other beings, now that we can see them and they can see us, and a new world is opening up to those that come to this class.

If you are looking for a normal transition in consciousness, this is NOT it.  The traditions are beautiful, but this is consciousness with a turbo charger.

On top of all of this, this class is constantly in evolution, and may change at any time, and what it may change into, I can’t tell you. You really cannot hold any expectations here, for this form is constantly in flux.

If you feel you are ready for something very powerful but unusual, we will be honored to have you present.

From my heart to yours, 

Advanced Course

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For Registration Questions and Information contact;
One Heart Productions, LLC
[email protected] - email
928 204 0874 - telephone
928 282 5791 - fax